Correct - zendisc is not a daemon. It is a process that you can run - either manually, via the GUI or through cron. here is my script:
# Run zendisc logging to $ZENHOME/log/jc_zendisc.log
# This script must be run as the zenoss user
#set -x
# Setup the zenoss environment
. ~zenoss/.bashrc
# Zenoss parameters
echo `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,000'` Starting zendisc run >> $zendiscLog 2>&1
# Next line only tries to discover single (already existing) device - for testing
#$ZENHOME/bin/zendisc run --now --monitor localhost --deviceclass /Server/Linux -d >> $zendiscLog 2>&1
# Next line is zendisc command
# Discovers plus subnets into class /AutoDiscovered, setting production state to PreProduction
$ZENHOME/bin/zendisc run --now --monitor localhost --deviceclass /AutoDiscovered --subnets --prod_state 500 --net >> $zendiscLog 2>&1
echo `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,000 '` zendisc run complete >> $zendiscLog
Then run this in cron:
03 23 * * * /opt/zenoss/local/
Obviously test this before putting into production. In one installation I have seen the --prod_state 500 set everything in the scope of discovery to PreProduction, not just newly discovered devices - not sure why as it doesn't do this in my environment.