I am running Zenoss 4.2.3 and all was working fantastically until I tried to install the MySQL Zenpack. It did not install correctly and now it does not remove correctly and I can't get Zenoss to restart with it in this kind of half installed half not mode.
When I run the zenpack remove command I get the the following error:
[zenoss@zenoss ~]$ zenpack --remove ZenPacks.zenoss.MySqlMonitor
ERROR:zen.ZenPackCmd:zenpack command failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/zenoss/Products/ZenUtils/zenpack.py", line 486, in <module>
File "/opt/zenoss/Products/ZenUtils/zenpack.py", line 190, in run
self.options.removePackName, None)
File "/opt/zenoss/Products/ZenRelations/ToManyContRelationship.py", line 206, in _getOb
return self._objects[id].__of__(self)
AttributeError: 'ZenPack' object has no attribute '__of__'
Is there a more manual way for stripping the Zenpack out? There is nothing dependant on it and there are no devices using it since it never did install correctly.
I have successfully installed several of the Juniper and Riverbed Zenpacks already and they are up and running, this is the only issue.
Any assistance you may be able to offer would be appreciated.