Adding a Core for Zenoss
We have a virtual server that is Centos 6 64-bit with one core. It has Zenoss on it. We are using VMware to host the virtuals. We would like to take it to two cores. I have done research and seen that...
View ArticleRe: Adding a Core for Zenoss
make sure the kernel supports SMP (if it's the stock centos kernel it will). Shut it down and add the core, should run fine! Andrew KirchCommunity Manager
View ArticleRe: Adding a Core for Zenoss
Thanks that helped alot. I didn't know if you know if there is there a way to make a process in Zenoss to use the second core?
View ArticleRe: Execute user commands as a URL
Tom, If you know your way around zendmd, it looks like the following methods might help: device.getUserCommands() - returns a list of "command" objectsdevice.compile(command,device) - returns the...
View ArticleRe: zenoss ERROR boto: 400 Bad Request
Hi All, This is fixed now. I have a Linux instance installed on the EC2. It is detected, but no graphs of disk usage etc. ANy clue ? Thanks and Regards,A
View ArticleRe: Adding a Core for Zenoss
You're referring to "processor affinity" - here's a clear article on achieving that:
View ArticleZenoss cpu maxed out
We have had this problem before where the zeneventd was maxing out the cpu, then the problem went away. The problem is back where it is maxing out the cpu. We are not getting events because of this and...
View ArticleUpdating the base OS
what is the best practice for updating the OS that Zenoss runs on?For example I'm running CentOS v6.4. There are updates available for the OS. Should the updates be applied as they come or do we filter...
View ArticleRe: How to enable components view
The "components" section is populated once the device is modeled. Go to the "Modeler Plugins" section, make sure you have the right wmi plugins enabled. Also, grab the admin guide and follow that...
View ArticleRe: How can I create Critical event when free memory is under 5%??? Please help!
Working now, thanks Just needed to change the text it was looking to transform.
View ArticleRe: How to switch to WMI queries to Win32reg_AddRemovePrograms
If anyone is still looking into this, I've changed one file on my system to resolve this:...
View ArticleRe: Problems with Windows Server 2012
John, I don't think your problem is related to the monitoring templates. It looks as if you're getting this error during modeling of the device related to the operating system version somehow not being...
View ArticleRe: zenoss ERROR boto: 400 Bad Request
A, Well you have two possible issues here depending on where you are talking about looking for graphs. 1. If the graphs you're speaking about are in the AWS component list your issue could be that...
View ArticleRe: zenoss ERROR boto: 400 Bad Request
One note on the AWS zenpack that was driving me nuts during development. My development box was running in a vm on my local box. I hadn't setup my ntp service so my time was off due to putting my MAC...
View ArticleRe: Problems with Windows Server 2012
Hi Rob, Thanks for the info. So I'm running Zenoss 4.2.4 FOSS edition. Are you saying that you don't have any problems modeling Windows 2012 servers using that edition (which uses WMI) or are you...
View ArticleRe: Linux memory thresholds
Chris, Thanks. I didn't include transforms since many people have their own transforms and it would complicate the install. I can offer you what we use if you're interested. Best,--Shane Scott...
View ArticleNo polling data after upgrade to 4.2.4
After upgrading to 4.2.4 to fix a few problems I had it appears that zenoss will no longer poll devices. I get errors like "zenhub username/password combination is incorrect" All users are still able...
View ArticleRe: Linux memory thresholds
I would like to see them for reference. I have the general idea down and I'm able to decipher some python but most of the time I cannot get most transforms I find on the forums to function correctly.
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